Neuro Marketing: A kickass social strategy for your brand!
- 25 Feb, 2019
Before social media marketing became a thing, most companies would start increasing their budgets. The budget increase would be the primary way of buying mores ads, sponsor additional events, or put up the company logo on a bus stop. But the biggest challenge rises when there is the need of great results with less amount of money.
The only way of finding a solution to this challenge, is by resorting to neuro marketing! Neuro marketing can help in creating new strategies and make smarter marketing goals that will increase the effectiveness of your efforts. The biggest goal of neuro marketing is to understand the brain functioning of your customers and how your business moves and activities will be affecting the consumer population.
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What is neuro marketing and how does it function?
Now, there are two kinds of methods by which the prospects’ brain functioning can be tracked and examined. One is known as the functional magnetic resonance imaging or fMRI and the other is electroencephalography or EEG.
Using fMRI includes usage of a powerful magnet that tracks the brain’s blood flow as subjects are made to respond to visual and audio specimens. The examiners are able to understand a point of the brain known as the ‘pleasure center’. Through the means of the same, marketers are able to understand how people actually appreciate their work.
EEG happens to be much cheaper than fMRI and has a cap with electrodes attached to the sample’s scalp. These electrodes are made to record a variety of emotions, thus giving a perception of the sample’s feelings towards the marketer’s work.
Neuro marketing has not been around for more than a decade, but has been one of the top measures that many companies have taken up.
How to use neuro marketing?
Usage of simple fonts
A study conducted in University of Michigan by Hyujin Song and Norbert Schwartz stated that consumers are greatly affected by simple or complex fonts. Keeping fonts simple on instruction manuals will provide better results for the experiments later.
Complex fonts for better remembrance
Sometimes, usage of complex fonts is great tactics for making consumers remember some details about your company, like the logo and phone number.
Usage of gaze for directing attention
In advertisements, make sure the person or animal that is used has its gaze on the product that needs attention. This enables the consumer’s attention on the same.
Show trust & gain trust from consumers
To gain trust from consumers, you need to show your consumers that you trust them. Provide confidential information without signing of a contract or any other prospects otherwise.
Keep positive things
Include positive quotes and pictures of people smiling on websites and official notices. It reflects the attitude of the company and attracts more consumers!
Getting a grip on the roots of human behavior is also important to understand the purchasing habits of a consumer. Neuro marketing is able to achieve that and plays a vital role in establishing better marketing abilities. Incorporate neuro marketing into your business, and you will see better results arising with lesser money being spent!